4th Annual Cleveland Comedy Awards Winners

Comedian of the Year:
John Armstrong

The Bill Squire Award:
John Bruton

Juggernaut of Comedy:
Marty Malloy

Best Open-Mic:
One More Joke at Judd's City Tavern

Megan Schenk

Road Warrior Award:
John Bruton

Most Original Comedy Concept:
Funny Bus

Best Long Joke:
Tim Wolfe "My dad died"

Best Short Joke:
Marty Malloy "Intestines"

Best Showcase:
Secret Society

Best Podcast:
The Bill Squire Show

Best Venue:

Best Room:
Grog Shop

Best Comedy Festival:
Cleveland Comedy Festival

Best Promoters/Marketers:
Secret Society

Best Producer:
Secret Society

Best Host:
Bryan Sternik

The Performers' Award:
John Armstrong

Best Improv Performer:
Deena Nyer-Mendlowitz

Best Improv Group:
Hot Goss

Best Sketch Comedy Performer:
Cam Godfrey

Best Sketch Comedy Group:
Imposters Main Stage Sketch Show

Rookie of the Year:
Elijah Nevels